Friday, February 13, 2009
Volleyball What Do Signs Mean
public meeting convened by Mr. Peter de Chile, President of the Council of the Institute of Comprehensive Condofuri.
In the letter sent to Mayor Philip Lavalle, as well to their membership, and asked him for clarification on the recent work put in place in the building used as a nursery school place on the way Peripoli, inviting yet to get support from the technician responsible for Public Works to better explain the situation.
Immediately the atmosphere is warm, to present their grievances a large number of angry mothers and fathers to whom the mayor has tried to keep at bay, was asked to clarify the extent and type of work carried out in order to stem infiltration of rainwater from the roof of the building and for which, in the face of an order terminating the school complex of five days, the scaffolding placed in front the same was removed only a few days ago after numerous and persistent complaints of the parents. Lack
even furniture, the facility in question, children forced to pack giubottini on top of each other or, for the more fortunate, to take advantage of hangers of luck, made with simple nails attached to the wall and covered with tape insulation to prevent accidents.
handles some doors malfunctioned from the beginning of the year and never repaired, v is not even even the distinction between male and female bathrooms, forcing children into promiscuity.
Lavalle reassures the speakers reiterated the full availability of its Directors to solve their problems, some of which had already been put in place the necessary actions.
atmosphere even warmer when you enter into the merits of an application for funding for some work to make the security of that steady, around 60 000 Euros to spend on strengthening works that have created confusion among parents, who requested the Mayor and the technical manager to put pen to paper the suitability of the structure. In answer to the question is
Eng. Santo Ugo Brancati quite frankly admitted that the inability of the structure and the need to launch the tender for the safety of the building, ensuring a realistic period of 40 days to start the work needed.
conflicting views between the parents, who would see their children likely moved from the stable of c.da Lugar until the end of the work, reserving the First Citizen, the ability to make competent area managers with a feasibility study.
fact it would not move the children into a structure certainly more appropriate than the current one is usable only on condition that the kitchens have the opportunity to meet the need of pre-school and especially the possibility of activating, as requested by parents A shuttle service from its present site or even better from their homes to the new complex much more distant from the present one.
be recorded during the meeting, some attempts to exploit the same context to the Mayor Lavalle and the Technical branch of static invited to show what had been done to date on school construction including even the "V. Bachelet "and what it was intended to do for the future, observing that most lawful if done by an ordinary citizen but unacceptable if done by a member of the majority, in clear contrast with the Mayor, but still technically and administratively part of the government team.
The discussion then moved on this "issue Bachelet" claiming again al Sindaco di non aver mantenuto le promesse e soprattutto essere lontani dal mantenerle.
Lo stabile posto sulla via Peripoli infatti, a dire del Rag. Lavalle doveva essere posto a disposizione del Dirigente Scolastico Prof. D. Zavettieri, fin dalla fine del 2008 o, al massimo inizio 2009 in modo parziale e cioè predisponendone l’utilizzo di 4 ambienti necessari a spostare alcuni uffici e far rientrare i bambini della scuola Elementare nel Plesso di via Madonna della Pace e ponendo fine alla situazione di disagio che gli stessi stanno subendo in via Telesio in un plesso nato come civile abitazione e destinato oggi a scuola elementare.
Sindaco e Tecnico, ribadendo ancora di aver a cuore la situazione, evidenziavano degli insorti problemi strutturali per i quali necessitano 27 mila Euro per poter mettere a disposizione i 4 vani ma, per mere questioni di bilancio non possono essere impegnati ma si farà appena possibile, nonostante le evidenti spaccature interne dell’attuale esecutivo.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Teak Deck Live Log In
Si è svolta, il 5 febbraio u.s., presso una sala riunioni della Delegazione Municipale di Condofuri Marina gentilmente messa a disposizione dal Sindaco, la prima Assemblea in seduta pubblica del Civic Committee "Pro Condofuri" in order to make the necessary presentations to citizenship and thus open the way for new and, they hope the founders, several accessions.
E 'touched the Chairman of the Committee newborn, Carmen Marino, outline the purpose and objectives of the organization that has its input in a difficult situation of the pupils in some classes of primary schools in the village Marina, forced to attend classes inside a house, is subject to confiscation, in spite of the most basic rules of school construction, but shop around and compare with friends or conoscenti si aveva modo di constatare che a Condofuri così come probabilmente nella maggior parte delle “piccole” realtà amministrative, per i motivi più disparati, l’orizzonte dei problemi spaziava a 360 gradi, pertanto, anziché attendere che altri facciano, sei temerari cittadini, decidono di costituire un Comitato civico con lo scopo di spronare e suggerire, in un clima di proficua e pacifica collaborazione, ai vari Enti di volta in volta interessati ed operanti a qualunque titolo sul territorio Comunale, problematiche ed eventuali soluzioni.
Il Comitato civico “Pro Condofuri” viene regolarmente registrato presso l’Ufficio dell’Agenzia delle Entrate di Melito P.S., è apartitico, apolitico, aperto a chiunque risieda od operi per qualunque motivo nell’ambito comunale ponendo dei limiti per coloro che svolgono politica attiva, proprio per evitare di rimanere vittime di strumentalizzazioni, soprattutto nella fase iniziale dell’attività del Comitato stesso che purtroppo viene a coincidere con l’imminenza, nel prossimo mese di giugno, delle consuete elezioni amministrative, cosi come sottolineato dal Presidente, che per tali motivi prende atto del recesso dalla carica del Socio Fondatore F. Romeo il quale ha deciso di intraprendere un percorso di tipo politico.
Nel corso dell’incontro non sono mancati interventi da parte di altri esponenti locali di correnti politiche in merito all’opportunità di un avvicinamento tra la politica e le associazioni e/o comitati presenti sul territorio dando vita ad una sinergia costruttiva al fine di valorizzare l’intera area impedendo la disaffezione da parte della cittadinanza verso la politica stessa. Stesso orientamento viene esposto da G. Branca, Presidente della neonata Associazione Imprese Turistiche del basso Jonio reggino, che raggruppa buona parte degli imprenditori turistici con attività situate tra Melito Porto Salvo e Palizzi e che hanno subito ingenti danni dai recenti weather patterns and devastating storms, with particular reference to 11 December 2008 and January 12, 2009: the speaker, adding that he also chaired by the Association is non-party, praised the initiative of setting up a Municipal Committee, addressed the best wishes and calls for a concrete and constructive cooperation, however, urging confrontation with the political forces.
By the end of February you will have a new public meeting which will be called the Mayor of Condofuri Philip Lavalle together with the technical managers of the public works sector, representatives of Region and the Province school managers Hospitality Institute of Locri which owns the site associated with the Commercial Condofuri "Boccioni" primary school in order to discuss the recent appropriation of funds by the Province of Reggio Calabria for the construction of a school building Hospitality Institute to be used precisely.
Other efforts of the Committee after input of a number of parents of elementary school has been called the first citizen Condofurese in order to enable a service for school pupils to move away to the place of Telesio via Madonna della Peace in order to use the computer lab, This service will start on Friday PV
Carmelo Marino
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Cheerleading Competition Saying
February 5, 2009 We meet today in the first public session, the Civic Committee "Pro Condofuri" born from the desire of the founding members to contribute to raising the level of welfare of the population condofurese participating actively in the administrative life of the small town grecanico advancing proposals to institutions directly and indirectly have to do with Condofuri. The Punta
is for 20:00 at the Delegation Condofuri Municipal Marina where he will officially open the entrance to new members and will be taken into accountStakeholder proposals population