Thursday, March 5, 2009

What Tests Show A Hernia

II riunione Pubblica del comitato Pro Condofuri

Condofuri, March 5, 2009. It took place at the premises of the Center for social gatherings, "Father V. Rempicci, kindly provided by management, the Assembly ^ II opened the Civic Committee "Pro Condofuri" single point on the agenda of issues related to schools that fall on the municipality with particular regard to the financing of € 3,000,000 included in the so-called Framework Programme Agreement "Education" for the construction of the building intended to house the new Institute of Tourist Business and Professional Hotelier in place which was on the territory condofurese as a separate section of the Technical Sales for Tourism Services "U. Boccioni "in Reggio Calabria and the Professional Institute Hotelier" Goddess Persephone "Locri, staying well within 4 (four) private structures adapted and therefore definitely not designed in accordance with the rules on construction of school yet imposed fees of 4 lease easily removed with the construction of this structure.

At present there is a secondary school population is around 350 units with the growing number of students at the Institute Hotelier and a phase of "destruction" rather than for commercial.
He highlighted the great importance of the structure not only for the substantial amount di mano d’opera specializzata che negli anni le due realtà scolastiche hanno contribuito ad inserire sul territorio.
Si è avuto modo di constatare, dato il consistente numero degli intervenuti, il crescente interesse della cittadinanza nei confronti del neo-costituito Comitato civico e nei confronti delle problematiche che quest’ultimo si prefigge di affrontare portando altresì avanti un’attività oltre che di esposizione anche di suggerimento di eventuali soluzioni; è stato gratificante per il Presidente, Carmelo Marino, e per i soci fondatori tutti, notare tra i presenti, oltre alla gente che con i problemi atavici ed eternamente irrisolti è costretta a convivere, anche alcuni professionisti, operatori turistici the district, representatives of various political currents and some members of the Municipal Administration.

Marino President, explained to the participants of the activities already undertaken by the Committee that he is not failing to emphasize how far we have tried to do, maybe you also undertake mediation between the city administration and school managers in the district in order reach a swift solution to what has now become, in schools, the problem par excellence or the building of Via Telesio, where, we recall, are currently housed with 5 classes of Primary Schools in the absence of the most basic safety rules; an issue that may find its solution in a Council resolution for the allocation of approximately € 27,000 for the completion of 4 wells of the middle school "Bachelet", the Committee has also pledged to urge the City Council to make available to plexus of pupils via the school bus in Telesio shuttle service to move them during the school computer classes, one hour per class, held at the headquarters of the school in Via Madonna della Pace, where there are the specially equipped classrooms. It should be noted that since the imposition of those lessons now, the route is covered on foot and only under conditions acceptable Otherwise skip the lesson ....

And 'The importance of a state of serenity in the school and the resulting emotional impact that could have on the planned transfer pupils of primary school child from the dangerous street Peripoli plexus, which, it turns out only now as a result of heavy rains in recent months, may be without the required certificate of viability by 7 years, the result of the inertia of technicians and administrators are made aware of the shortcomings of the structures only "dall'accortezza" Mother Nature, in this context and in the face of poor cohesion between the parents, among which there are few who appaiono disposti ad accogliere la proposta di trasferimento del plesso dalla frazione Marina allo stabile ubicato in Lugarà, avanzata dal primo cittadino, nonostante la garanzia di un servizio navetta e del servizio mensa, sarebbe da non escludere l’eventualità di non mettere in atto alcuna variazione dello stato attuale e fino al termine del corrente anno scolastico, rimandando solo di qualche mese i previsti interventi di adeguamento sismico per i quali sembra siano già state avviate le procedure per l’indizione di regolare gara d’appalto.
Tornando all’argomento principale dell’incontro e cioè il finanziamento relativo alla realizzazione dell’edificio destinato all’IPSSA e del rischio che detti fondi not used within the time allowed, Carmelo Marino expresses the intention of the Committee to organize a conference with the participation of experts, be they from the world of school and the world of politics by then as well as the involvement of local administrators also representatives of the provincial and regional initiative is welcomed by representatives of local political forces present at the meeting that also propose to make the conference jointly, with the latter finally agreed to ask the Mayor is the calling a City Council in special session with a single point on the agenda determinations taken on, allo stato attuale, dall’Amministrazione Comunale, anche in virtù di un sollecito inviato dall’Amministrazione Provinciale in data 30.10.2008 che sembra essere ancora in attesa di risposta.
Ad oggi 5 novembre 2009 si è potuto constatare, con dati di fatto, l’enorme ritardo in cui versa la procedura amministrativa per la costruzione dell’opera; infatti, nella suddetta missiva del 30 ottobre u.s. la Provincia di Reggio Calabria chiedeva, con la celerità del caso, di voler fornire indicazione del’area di 3000 mq circa, necessaria per la localizzazione del manufatto (nuovo istituto Commerciale Turistico e Professionale alberghiero).

Purtroppo a tale richiesta nono si è dato seguito facendo slip what was the lineup for the realization of public works in the Three-Year Plan of the Province:
- Approval of final project: 30.11.2008
- Adoption Project Executive: 30.01.2009
- Contract work and expectations: 30.06.2009
- Top Jobs: 30.09.2009
- Testing and delivery of the work: 31.12.2011.
As you can see from the diagram above some dates have already skipped and therefore others will jump in anticipation of the fact that it runs the risk that the junta will not take the burden Lavalle (should be an honor) to locate the land to be allocated to 'work, referring all incoming municipal administration that can not treat the subject before the end of summer 2009, when that is, in theory, we should start the work. It should be noted
a step backwards Minister Massimo Nucera, who attended the public meeting along with other politicians, commit publicly to request the convening of a municipal council for the specific choice of soil, but not as much as possible the same (we learn from the head online newspaper) has resigned as alderman.