Friday, May 28, 2010

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The medium and light cavalry of the fourth century Roman. The Armored Cavalry AD

If the tendency to organize troops and heavy cavalry archers is increasingly common in the fourth century, the traditional cavalry media, that is similar the wings auxiliar present for centuries in the Roman army, remains in the context of basic military tactics.
Horses with traditional saddles four horns that hold the rider in their movements in the absence of brackets, are not protected by armor and therefore more agile. The knights wore chain mail vest or semi-laminated and carry the shield flat ed ovale. Come i loro predecessori sono dotati di una faretra di giavellotti ma, per la loro solidità,  possono affrontare lo scontro diretto con la spada .

Dalla seconda metà del IV° secolo si diffonde l'uso di una gualdrappa di tessuto e feltro a parziale protezione del corpo del cavallo senza, tuttavia, creargli un particolare impedimento .

La combinazione di agilità unita alla solidità della cavalleria media ne ha fatto sempre una arma vincente, superata da quella pesante o da quella leggera, solo in determinate e particolari situazioni.

Pur non brandendo a due mani il lungo "Kontos", la cavalleria media poteva gestire una lancia da urto .

The light cavalry was largely composed of archers and giavellottieri, initially coming from all provinces in North African and, later, joined by contingents from the Slavic territories .

But in the African provinces that form the best and most aggressive contingent of light cavalry as the "Mauri Feroces.

Gli arcieri a cavallo ed i giavellottieri, generalmente, danno il via alle battaglie campali con veloci incursioni al fronte nemico seguite da altrettanto veloci ripiegamenti, un poco come usavano fare gli indiani d'America, per creare confusione e disunire il fronte, solo a quel punto poteva, poi, intervenire la cavalleria pesante . 

But the use light cavalry continued even in pursuit of the enemy en route, the patrol, in small skirmishes and actions in the security service along the river that marks the border sections of the "Limes" Imperial.

E 'likely that the average horse, relieved of armor, to participate in these activities than their tactics slightly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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Romana - Catafratti and Clibanari

cavalry to take the long and heavy as a weapon to wield a spear in both hands (Kontos) and therefore had no shield, have already appeared at the end of the second century, but in the third century that will significantly increase in number, at the time of the Emperor Gallienus, in the several contingents of cavalry up the military reserve for the frequent crises of war . In addition to read giavellottieri cavalry and archers, are developing units and heavily armed with horses with trappings that cover them in full imitation of Sarmatian warriors and Persian.

This type of horse expands strongly at the time of Tetrarchy and absorbs a good part of the military investments. These quotas are very expensive for their type of equipment and go to offset the lack of equipment for infantry troops, often lightweight and suitable primarily for skirmishes. In Fourth century, then, are subject to a further increase in the time of the emperors Julian and Constantius II.

Initially, these knights called Catafratti "that is literally" protected by armor "are similar to the Sarmatian knights who have been influenced by: adopt a conical segments riveted helmets, armor of scales and protections for horses only for the front lines, their weapon is the Kontos.

are effective if they fail to load in tight formation, but if they are missing, are easy prey for a joint action of cavalry and light infantry and fast.

A second type of horse called "Clibanari," an ironic title (it means the stove ..) with which the Romans mocked the noble Persian cavalry dressed from head to foot in full armor, and magnificent
... certainly very hot in the sun of the eastern plains. The imposing appearance and great strength is representative of these troops, the Emperor made this next nei trionfi e nelle riserve accanto alla sua guardia personale.

I Clibanari di ispirazione orientale adottavano elmi crestati ornati di cimieri, con il viso spesso protetto da un facciale sagomato o da maglia di ferro. Le armature erano composite di lamelle metalliche e maglia per il corpo e da segmenti circolari, simili a quelli da tempo adopted by the gladiators, for the arts. A small shield with the colors of the department, could be hung on the left shoulder. The horses are always covered with an armor or total, partial, front only.

Apart from their appearance, which surprised the Germanic tribes and instilled awe in the face of such a display of power, effectiveness of these cavalry was not always certain. Faced with a tight wall of shields and spears of the infantry, cavalry, even this was often ineffective. The difficulty to handle it as a body only change direction laterally made them easy prey for pincer movement by opponents more agile and fast.

However, in several situations, was also a strong psychological deterrent to the holding of the opposing front.

Esistevano anche "Clibanari Saggittari" , cioè arcieri corazzati a cavallo mutuati dalla tradizione Orientale.

Friday, May 14, 2010

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The Battle of Ponte Milvio

Nel III° sec. A.D. le religioni di origine orientale erano diffusissime nel mondo romano, il culto di Mitra lo era in modo particolare e coinvolgeva la gran parte dei militari. Un dio unico the mysterious, cultured and fascinating liturgies that contrasts with the coexistence of an immense number of deities, great and small, with the addition also the cult of the ancestors.
Tetrarchy At the time of the Emperor Diocletian promulgated as one of the official cult of "Sol Invictus" that is a monotheistic vision centered in the image of the sun penetration of the monotheistic religions and cultures orieintali paves the way for the spread of the Christian , which is taking root even among the aristocracy and the military increasingly dismayed and perplexed by the historical events that are living and full of doubts and questions that only religion can satisfy.
many Christians are still minority, but compared to the Gentiles, I am firmly convinced, and often also, fanatically, and their voice above the others.
Constantine understands better than others and this state of affairs on the eve of a major battle on the outskirts of Rome against his rival Maxentius, takes a position in their favor and is hoisted on their banners the cross-P and X ( contraction of Christ's name in greek) and the soldiers painted on their shields.

On the one hand the army of Constantine, inferiore numericamente, ma composto da veterani di recenti campagne : legionari celtici dalla Britannia e dalle Gallie, Auxiliari germanici e giganti biondi dell'alto Reno nelle cavallerie. Dall'altra i magnifici Pretoriani splendidamente equipaggiati, i soldati di origine Italica, da tempo inoperosi sul campo, gli auxiliari orientali e le feroci e temibili cavallerie Maure.
Quando Massenzio, con una erronea decisione d'orgoglio, approntò un ponte di barche per attraversare il fiume nei pressi del Ponte Milvio, demolito per una precedente scelta di difesa entro le mura della città, gli arcieri ed i giavellottieri Mauri si uniranno ai contingenti di Costantino, contribuendo alle sorti dello scontro .

Incalzati da una carica della cavalleria, il ponte di barche si intasa di soldati che non riescono nemmeno a muoversi, si ammassano, rompono le paratie laterali e cadono nelle acque del fiume, spesso con le loro cavalcature come è ben visibile nei bassorilievi dell'Arco di Costantino che celebra, appunto, questa vittoria


In the bas-reliefs of the arch, the Praetorians knights are depicted with extensive armor of scales and large shields. The symbol of the scorpion that has characterized them left long ago supplanted, it seems, in the third century from that of the lion, and now from this drawing scale, adopted by illustrating on the basis of archaeological finds.

With the death of Maxentius fell into the river and drowned, weighed down by his arms, ending the fight.
Constantine is the master of the field and the West, the Praetorian guard who objected to a valid and true strength, is dissolved and dispersed. As the new troops will replace the "Scholae" and "Praesentalis.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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312 AD the Roman soldiers at the time of Constantine, the beginning of the fourth century.

Una grande innovazione nata al tempo della Tetrarchia di Diocleziano, fu la creazione delle "Fabbriche" per la produzione, in larga scala, del materiale militare : le armi da offesa e da difesa, gli accessori per la cavalleria e l'abbigliamento vero e proprio. La standardizzazione obbligò ad adottare modelli di più semplice riproduzione in vasta scala, come gli elmi conici a segmenti già diffusi ed una nuova tipologia mutata dal contatto con gli eserciti Sassanidi, dei quali riprende la tecnica costruttiva. Si tratta di elmi costituiti da due semicalotte unite centralmente da una cresta rivettata, paraguance e un separato elemento posteriore con funzione di paranuca,  sono fissati elasticamente tramite porzioni di pelle. Una versione più complessa e protettiva, invece, è composta da quattro elementi a formare il coppo uniti da una cresta centrale e da due rinforzi laterali . Tutta la base, poi, e collegata ad un elemento a fascia che aumenta la profondità dell'elmo stesso. I paraguance, sempre fissati tramite striscette di pelle, sono assai più estesi ed avvolgenti

Based on these standardized models, the high-ranking military, applied coatings in silver gilt and decorative motifs or, indeed, embedded colored glass and semiprecious stones. Examples of the latter are clearly represented on coins depicting the emperors of the time.

Some simpler models bear signs of a possible use of ridges applied. Archaeological evidence shows us soldiers in extensive armor of scales crests with yellow and white, perhaps to be understood as the first of feathers or hair and the second metal. A helmet covered in silver foil, with simple decorations and topped by a metal ridge is often referred to as belonging to a graduated infantry.

the beginning of the century appearance di un legionario è presso che quello dei decenni precedenti con la sola novità dell'elmo crestato Romano-Sassanide. La maglia di ferro è adottata nelle sue diverse misure e l'armatura di scaglia sembra destinata ai pretoriani ed alle cavallerie di guardia all'imperatore. Le corte armature semirigide di scaglie cucite anche inferiormente, si trasformano in armature composte da lamelle ( più lunghe delle scaglie ) le cui file sono cucite le une alle altre superiormente e con semplice cuoio in luogo del filo di ferro. Queste modifiche, da un lato tendono ad una maggiore robustezza a colpi inflitti dal basso verso l'alto nei confronti di un cavaliere, dall'altro ad una semplificazione e risparmio costruttivo. In questa direzione, naturalmente, anche the adoption of hard boiled leather as a material for the strip, sewn, in this case with wire.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Negative Hiv Rna 2 Weeks

AD Roman soldiers at the time of tetrarch, late third century. AD

last quarter of the third century, the transformation of the appearance and organization of the Roman military ends its long, slow course to remain unchanged from that in the coming century.
tunics Long sleeves with clavi interrupted and the decorations on the shoulders and the lower edges are now also commonly used in the civilian population. The use of long pants (trousers) and protective groups for the legs is also common in the harshest of conditions and a type of pants, tight fitting and extended to cover the foot, becomes, on the contrary, a dress code for senior ranks and spreads the civil aristocracy.

The old stick wiry vine, symbol of the power of the centurions, is replaced by a much longer with more support, the military cloak often shows the finely decorated robes and cap round, fabric or fur, becomes a symbol of the state military.

The long sword of chivalry has long been adopted by the infantry and also brought to the left. The ancient tile rectangular shields are gone permanently in favor of the plates almost round. Only the Praetorians probably have an oval shield with a slight convection. The last form of
pilum with double heaviness disappears in favor of a spear from shock accompanied by various forms of auctions to launch. The chain mail are often long to cover the thighs and have long sleeves.

The use of helmets in the last "T" survivors ceases completely, perhaps only a few models, richly decorated and with central removable mask, are still worn by some troops of the emperor's personal guard. The new helmets derive their form and construction techniques directly from those used in the Sarmatian peoples with which the Romans have often come into contact.

The new helmets are built by merging with rivets of various molded parts separately and easily be compared to 'piece which was the previous models. A saving of craftsmanship that allowed the production and spread evenly throughout the empire.

During the period of continuous military revolts and intestine wars of defense against external invasions both East and West, the sudden need of military contingents in various critical areas of common use to divide the Legions to send contingents in various war zones. These quotas were often combined with two by two new units which, once completed the act of war, were no longer return to the legions of origin. This fragmentation continued over the decades led a real numerical strength of the legions drastically lower, substantially reduced to a quarter of the old!
The military reorganization of Diocletian in this sense, therefore, was not a revolution, but a bureaucracy of a state of things existing military to better address the needs of the time. New legions
consistency of 1000/1500 and these units were created, the "Giovio" and "Erculiani" are indeed the elite organization and armament, armored with large scale or mesh and eagle emblems on their shields.