Friday, May 14, 2010

Dental Hygiene Position Cover Letter

The Battle of Ponte Milvio

Nel III° sec. A.D. le religioni di origine orientale erano diffusissime nel mondo romano, il culto di Mitra lo era in modo particolare e coinvolgeva la gran parte dei militari. Un dio unico the mysterious, cultured and fascinating liturgies that contrasts with the coexistence of an immense number of deities, great and small, with the addition also the cult of the ancestors.
Tetrarchy At the time of the Emperor Diocletian promulgated as one of the official cult of "Sol Invictus" that is a monotheistic vision centered in the image of the sun penetration of the monotheistic religions and cultures orieintali paves the way for the spread of the Christian , which is taking root even among the aristocracy and the military increasingly dismayed and perplexed by the historical events that are living and full of doubts and questions that only religion can satisfy.
many Christians are still minority, but compared to the Gentiles, I am firmly convinced, and often also, fanatically, and their voice above the others.
Constantine understands better than others and this state of affairs on the eve of a major battle on the outskirts of Rome against his rival Maxentius, takes a position in their favor and is hoisted on their banners the cross-P and X ( contraction of Christ's name in greek) and the soldiers painted on their shields.

On the one hand the army of Constantine, inferiore numericamente, ma composto da veterani di recenti campagne : legionari celtici dalla Britannia e dalle Gallie, Auxiliari germanici e giganti biondi dell'alto Reno nelle cavallerie. Dall'altra i magnifici Pretoriani splendidamente equipaggiati, i soldati di origine Italica, da tempo inoperosi sul campo, gli auxiliari orientali e le feroci e temibili cavallerie Maure.
Quando Massenzio, con una erronea decisione d'orgoglio, approntò un ponte di barche per attraversare il fiume nei pressi del Ponte Milvio, demolito per una precedente scelta di difesa entro le mura della città, gli arcieri ed i giavellottieri Mauri si uniranno ai contingenti di Costantino, contribuendo alle sorti dello scontro .

Incalzati da una carica della cavalleria, il ponte di barche si intasa di soldati che non riescono nemmeno a muoversi, si ammassano, rompono le paratie laterali e cadono nelle acque del fiume, spesso con le loro cavalcature come è ben visibile nei bassorilievi dell'Arco di Costantino che celebra, appunto, questa vittoria


In the bas-reliefs of the arch, the Praetorians knights are depicted with extensive armor of scales and large shields. The symbol of the scorpion that has characterized them left long ago supplanted, it seems, in the third century from that of the lion, and now from this drawing scale, adopted by illustrating on the basis of archaeological finds.

With the death of Maxentius fell into the river and drowned, weighed down by his arms, ending the fight.
Constantine is the master of the field and the West, the Praetorian guard who objected to a valid and true strength, is dissolved and dispersed. As the new troops will replace the "Scholae" and "Praesentalis.


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