Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Do You Remove Cross Country Ski Bindings


This time, after telephoning, before going to bed, he remembers looking out the window. The sky is heavily clouded. It does not take a thread of light. The night is dark and dreamless. No call.

Mah! The next morning is dark. The gray winter sky does not forgive even the sun today. O. .. maybe ... believe that there is the hand that wants to be winning the light off his holy war.

He arrives, as always, a bit 'in advance. But this time it approached her, maybe slowing down the pace, as we usually do. Yes ferma sul vecchio ponte, a guardar giù il fiume che inevitabilmente scorre. Lei, giungendo dalla solita strada, sulle prime non lo vede. Finalmente, poi, lo scorge, gli si affianca ed insieme, gomiti sul parapetto, guardano giù.

Non averlo visto subito, come ogni mattina, le ha fatto ricordare il sogno. Non glielo racconta, ma gli dice: “Anche se sei sparito, io ti ho perdonato. Sai quanto mi hai fatto soffrire?”

Oh, moltitudini, quale meraviglia, ancora? Quali significati cercate, scrutando nell'oscurità che voi stessi avete generato? Tutto va come deve, semplicemente.

“Lo sai?”, insiste.
E lui, senza guardarla: “Se non lo sapessi, il tuo perdono sarebbe stato inutile.”
E così, insieme, si incamminano.

Se il fiume da un momento all'altro scorresse in senso opposto a quello attuale, non starebbe facendo altro che seguire la corrente. Una corrente nuova, La corrente.

“Si dice: ...essere liberi come uccelli... vorrei volare libero come un'aquila... fly free ... freedom ... freedom ... always talking about birds, we match the concept of freedom. "
So he speaks, sitting calmly. Her voice is serious, deep, firm. E 'striking: his body is so frail, so dry. Essential ... fatal.
"But what do you think that they are free to do, the birds? Where do you think that they are free to fly? What freedom do you think they have? "
The class listens to her, silent and still. They sit on the floor. The backdrop is a porch. Does this be a reminder of the ancient Greek schools of philosophy.
To Students absorbed, pensive, locked in a silent reflection, exception Lei She stares at him head on. His gaze is ironic. E 'challenge.
"They must find food, then migrate, and reproduce, then provide food for their children, then raise and educate. Educate them to what, in your opinion? A fly. To migrate, back, and again. And 'this, their freedom? The ideal scope to which we tend? "
The light fades at this point and focuses on the master, plunging the rest of the class in the dark. She gets up and smiles. Comes closest to the master and touched his shoulder, so as you would to comfort a child. Squote imperceptibly head. And he continues to set before him, and:
"And you? What else do you think you can be, different from what you are? You, everything you did and do is the determination of a choice imposed by your nature. Who you are and what surrounds you decide what you do. And just when you finally take the path of the craziest, most unusual, that you believe your so far from nature that it can be challenging, you will realize that the road was the only one that could take you and that everything I have been saying is the truth. "
Now she turns, her back to him and covering him at the sight of the hall and the audience.
presses his hands around her throat.
But laughs.
Ride madly.
Here you close the curtain.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Car Stereo Hidden Antenna

QUOTE freshly picked - PHILIP K. DICK


In my writings I have occupied so much of the counterfeit, to arrive at the concept of making false false. For example, in Disneyland there are fake birds, driven by electric motors, croaking and screaming when it goes before them. Let's sneak in the park at night and replace the birds with poultry true false. Imagine the horror felt by the employees of Disneyland to find out this cruel hoax. Real birds! And maybe one day even the hippos and lions. Dismay. The park, to the able hands of dark forces, of the unreal becomes real. Imagine, for example, if the model of the Matterhorn was transformed into a genuine snow-covered mountain. What if that place, by a miracle of power and wisdom of God, was transformed in an instant, in the blink of an eye, into something incorruptible? Would have to close it.

by: How to build a universe that does not fall apart after two days
trans.: Gianni Pannofino

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blood Tests For Infections


Their homes receive them coldly. In winter, the dead season late this year to die.

A second before the start of the first sunrise in winter, its only up to that moment, the night was sure he had won the war, he had taken the final over.

When the walls of the houses are beginning to return a bit 'of the heat taken from their inhabitants, it is too late now, and it's just time to sleep.
Squilla phone him. Already knows that she is, across town from his home, connected by a thread that calls it. And so she answers without speaking. And she listens to him without speaking. It's not a dumb call. It 's a good night. It 's a promise.

Last night she dreamed. He asked her to accompany him to a place not far away, but she became impatient and replied that he had to learn to fend for himself, that he could not always afraid of having to take two steps without her. So he had moved alone to the place that he had asked to come together, and then, turning, she realized he was gone. It was not the first time. That they always disappear, so, without a trace, and there had never been so in those cases, to find him without his wish. This is a very disturbed, but had to rassegnarvicisi. Returned, so in this dream home. Then, in his bed, was awakened by a bell. It really woke up, because they really thought he heard playing. But uncertain if the ring had escaped from a dream or penetrated by reality, he was doubtful about what to do in the warmth of the blankets. The idea, moreover, that no one would play on his door at that hour, he had calmed down, but not quite.
anyone, he was convinced, had really call. In the dream or in reality. He saw, in the meantime, rays of light drawn on the opposite wall, light that penetrates through the cracks of the shutter half open, stamping on that wall and humming a stave blank. It was then decided to go to the window where they stood before him imperious, almost violent, a huge full moon that dominated the sky, coloring the expanse of snow below the bluish glow of an almost blinding.
All the next morning wondering if it passed the moon in a dream, or someone to the moon, ringing the bell, he wanted to draw your attention.

spends a day. The hand light brings tears to the enemy a few inches of soil.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do They Have Tampons On Cruises

HONESTY 'OF Moloch (or) of the Blessed nientitudine -14 -

sion. division of tasks. Homework.

I have always tried, during my long life ... Or short. I'm not sure how much time is really my life, even if it is continuing, so that when we say all my life and that's it, or precess existence, I have always tried, I said, to warn others of my latent duplicity and deceitful. I tried to alert them, make them part of what I thought I knew of me: non sia mai che mi prendiate per agnello se poi una mattina vi doveste svegliare accanto ad un lupo. Continuereste a trattarmi come il mite ovino, dicevo loro, non vedreste oltre ciò che vi è sempre sembrato essere me, non capireste, tentereste di pascolarmi felici e contenti finendo per ritrovare voi e il vostro gregge sbudellato, dopo quell'attimo di indifesa (oh,che) sorpresa (!), la sorpresa di sapere di star per essere sbrindellati da un pacifico ruminante. Neanche dopo che sarete stati sbranati da un agnello, forse ammetterete che quello che pascolavate era un lupo, una iena, uno sciacallo. Possibile che non ve siate accorti? Questo dicevo loro, li volevo proteggere dalla mia latente doppiezza, dalla paura d'essere scambiato per that I who was not at that moment, taken for the usual, just to the shape of my shell. Never sbranai not to attack, it must be said and nothing ever happened like that because, I believe, slowly stripping me that I was not but I could be diluted in the other I ended up getting that reigned on the case. Yes, that's the prevailing belief I have designed this plan, just in order to make the other harmless simply revealing, so without ever giving him the possibility of having fifty percent plus one of the members who ruled my actions. All this I mean to make it clear to you how everything was unclear to me even then, then, I mean, when I was immersed in another state of things than this. A stage where I would go to things and now things are to me. All that remains in common with me that time is my habit - occasional, on the other - armed to descend down inside me, looking over the abyss, the monsters that pop my dreams in order to break down, I do not know if you still continue to do so, the dreams of today do not remember, or maybe you even remember this, but I still get down there to avoid misunderstandings. All the way down the road find the same things, now as then: the rotting bodies of my parents, my friends, my pets, of man as shepherd of the gods buried by my antenati, del cielo ingoiato dal mondo ma ancora non digerito, dei raggi del sole. Mi tengo ancora un istante aggrappato con poche dita alla protuberanza ancora non distaccata dei cadaveri del giorno e della notte, poi mi lascio cadere e finalmente atterro (sì, lo so, non si dovrebbe dire atterro), ma atterro nel profondo del mio io, armato fino ai denti, dicevamo, fendo colpi a destra e a manca, nel buio, alla cieca, colpisco qualcosa, corpi duri e molli, li sento cadere, gridare, morire. Ma ciò che discende per uccidere non può poi più risalire: rimane, fino ad essere disarmato della spada ormai spuntata, fra i sopravvissuti di quel raid che ne fanno uno di loro, incattivito. Va ad ampliarne le schiere. Ecco, le comparse che rendono incubi i miei sogni sono i miei soldati, valorosi ma pur sempre sconfitti in battaglia, che si vogliono vendicare del loro generale che non li ha saputi riportare a casa.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Upconvert Direct Tv Using


Quando si ritrovano sono in strada e camminano fianco a fianco, in silenzio. Fuori, dove stanno ora, è notte vera. E' buio vero, sempre che anche qui non sia solo tutto finzione, ma una grande finzione, una finzione universale, un luogo dove accade che la luce venga spenta e non sai da chi, non sai come. Non sai nemmeno se sia pure la stessa mano, poi, che riaccende quella luce o un'altra, o che queste siano forse in lotta, e che possa accadere, un giorno, che una mano abbia la meglio sull'altra e sia sempre buio, poi, o sempre luce.

Prima o poi, questa guerra avverrà. O forse è già stata combattuta da tempo e la mano vincitrice, conquistato il potere di quella perdente, inscena in continuazione la notte, o il giorno, che non gli appartengono. Noi non c'avvediamo della differenza. Verrà un giorno in cui questa finzione cesserà, perchè la mano vincitrice vorrà mostrare al mondo il suo trionfo.

Scivolano fuori, insieme, dal vicolo stretto addossato al teatro. Gettano, seppur nel buio, un poco d'ombra. Questa is getting darker the more approaches the gleaming road that crosses their path at the end of this close before, part of the trip short. A few meters from the intersection, jumped on the sidewalk along the great road, holding hands. It is a demonstration of affection, is an instinct. Their skin mute hears the words that come from the skin of others.
And while people will discard them and people indifferent indifferent waste, scrap, in artificial light, between persons to their homes.

Their homes are in the city, like all the other houses. Yet the world that the host is not so great than what they hide in their walls. And nothing compared to the narrow boundaries of their hearts.

We see them, still walking together. Now she is close to his arm. It is not love: it is practical. Slip off more easily among many people. It feels less cold. One thinks of the theater, the scene of the embrace.
He keeps hanging up and look at his mock alert. It must seem to someone to whom it may concern, among those the cross, that he protect her under his wing.

But it has no protection, he, as a offer, and did not, of course, not wings. The remains just a little 'heat. And his movement is just fiction.

separate, finally, to yet another crossroads, silent, with eyes greeting, salutation, but that is not just looks, it's only polite leave, it's just: I see you go, you now-only-memory of a goodbye.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Can I Retire Because Of Arthritis


He is still, straight, his head bowed. Maybe my eyes are closed. While she, she ... the walking around, without pause, without fatigue, tenendogli eyes always on him, as with us the moon. Closer and then come talk to him and brushing her lips with eyes, mouth, chin. Definitely breaks down the natural barrier of respect which was always, necessarily, existed between her pupil-teacher-and-him-.
him he looks like a broken tree, lifeless. Stride and how, the contrast with the bottom, we want to remember the joyous arrival of spring. He looks like a plant that can not be aggregated in that cycle of rebirth.
But she is vital part in this change and its concentric orbit seems to us the dance of a vine, ready to close the path, ready to extinguish that last breath of life hidden in the trunk broke and dying, crushed, sucking the sap forgotten. Transforming it.
light, perfectly balanced on them, but only makes her shine. He absorbs it, it already seems a dead thing, it feeds on despair.
She finally said, speaks to him. Indeed. Whispers. It 's so close to his face that's almost enough to blow the words senz'emettere sound. And he is not sure whether these words really able to hear them in some way or not but somehow decrypted and translated from his own skin, moist heat of that silent breath, and able, somehow, to read and interpret the shape.

The sun knows that our planet's talking about. But the prayers that rise are trapped, trapped in the sky. Reached the peak of their rise, fall to the ground, becoming terrible curses and blasphemies.

She whispers
"Master ... you do not tell the whole truth ... "The bottom
remembers only the spring. It 's a symbolic backdrop.
"Or better ... I told you the truth, it contains also the path of its own negation. "
He still does not move. Yes, he says, because it certainly is, its an act of the great strength, and endurance.
"Master ..."
stroked his hair, now, uncombed. Then brush up against her cheek, and lips. His hand stroking down his neck, then tighten the shoulder.
embrace it.
The vine finally suggested last sap of the plant. The strangles, puts to death. But only symbolically, of course. As the spring painted on the backdrop.
From the darkness, suddenly, came a voice. E 'shouted. So unpleasant, undesirable, but apparently inevitable
"Okay, that's fine for today. We're done, see you tomorrow at the usual time. Thank you, goodbye. "
They feel, in the dark, walk away.
remain, they, instead, as well, hugging, or rather, she embraced him, that still did not lift a finger. And someone off that last light on them, and painted on the spring. That plant and its climbing in total darkness disappear.
The smell of dust that comes from below.
remain, their, real estate, there, in the middle of this dark world.
Here at last she moves away, takes a step back and behold the "master". She looks at him for a long time, being able to really just remember the details and being able only to guess the shape in the darkness. Without a word, walks away. He shakes his hearing in his footsteps. Raise your head, turn his back on those sounds and he goes, leaving empty that night.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does A Magnetron Look Like

All is lost,
except the smell.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Community Hours Letter Head

HONESTY 'OF Moloch (or) of the Blessed nientitudine -13 -

equa.equa subdivision. Division of tasks.

Eden of Adam and Eve lived in black and white. Yes, I'm sure. Wrapped up - this is the reality, let me confess it - from within the dense fog, comfortable as cotton, lived alone and happy, oh they had no social aspiration, no ambition carrieristica were just a happy couple, clashing here and there to infinity garden, then smarritisi they found themselves on the strength of their voice and their ears, pure, intact and with a great sense of direction, they saw neither day nor night if they were all happy until they arrived in the infinite instant snake. But it was not then transgressions to the diet, how did I know, let me tell him. (Never mind that in any way, without a sewer system would still not have gone too far). The serpent convinced Adam to give a rose to Eva, a beautiful pink, red, stuff never seen it, who knows where he went to find her, that Satan, well, that pierced pink Eva ... the blood was to color our world, the blood was the sin original, there is nothing that is more disliked by the gods who do not gush of blood, well here is the expulsion, and here are the children. Cain, who was angered by the treatment received by his parents, he decided to turn to other gods, was one, that Cain, whom he loved very much the colors, and to persuade them to accept new gods, they sacrificed something. Not a thing, not a carrot or a goat. He offered a burnt offering nothing less than his brother. Then here is that Christ did: to clear the blood of Eve and Abel, who had seen the light pro unworthy of other gods, that God shed his blood. That covered the deception, fraud, paganism, the colors. That's why siam tornati qui in bianco e nero, immortali.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Billy Elliot Quotes Ballet

Honda Accord Car Alarm Cost

AT ALL COSTS - Press release

Quando si parla di cinema italiano spesso si ricorre ad una sorta di “muro del pianto”: pochi i soldi, pochissime le idee, il sempre più tardivo ricambio generazionale, la poca internazionalità dei lavori in circolazione. Tutto vero, per carità. Se però si ha voglia di spostare le ceneri della nostrana settima arte si può scorgere una piccola brace, non soffocata, che brama semplicemente un poco di ossigeno per diventare fiamma e forse anche fuoco. L'associazione La pecora elettrica ha deciso di soffiare su queste braci per provare ad appiccare un po' di incendi. A partire da metà marzo al Cinema Verdi di Candelo organizza la rassegna cinematografica: "At any cost .
The exhibition consists of three film sets out to explore the Italian cinema of recent years. Selected titles are little gems that have passed in the halls or have not yet found distribution.

The exhibition opening is scheduled for March 23 with Man of Match Marco Chiarini. In his first long work, Chiarini tells us the transition from childhood to adolescence with a tale that takes place in the summer, ideal where each of us has put the games and began to discover the melancholy. The fate of
Man match and Peter cross the path of auto-production: if Gaglianone close calls him a series of long-time friends and associates to give shape to a project "completely independent" Chiarini produced a booklet with illustrations and the history of film and, by selling 3000 copies, ensures a very small budget to start with the crucial help of the film club of Teramo, for an adventure that will last more than three years, including filming and production. The

April 27 aims MalediMiele of Marco Pozzi . The film goes to fathom the dangerous vortices distorted by a mental illness such as anorexia. Pozzi, in a recent interview, said: "In the society of so-called welfare widespread, there is someone in the heart of the West that is triggered as if it were a suicide bomber and you implode, blowing up the contrasts and the malaise of society itself [...] I think the main problem is in true beauty, or we must try to rebuild a world where there is room for beauty and not for replication of beauty, a world of replicating all conformed "Even
MalediMiele has a difficult production history, not yet completed, pending as of a distribution that makes the enjoyment of the film accessible to the general public.

The closure of the exhibition is headed by Peter d the Gaglianone Daniel, in the projection May 25 . Born in 1966, Gaglianone made his film debut in 2000 with Our years later turns even the fate which won the Rotterdam Film Festival in 2005. In 2009 he was awarded the David di Donatello for the documentary Rata NECE biti!
In November of that year, director Peter Turin runs in just 12 days, which debuted on screens in the following year at the Locarno Film Festival. He writes in the notes the director of the film: "Anger, tenderness, fragility and violence. These are the four words that emerge when I think of Peter , a film born of different situations and their suggestions, some very personal. It was a difficult time, I was not doing nothing, and they told me I had to be less radical in their choices of stories to tell. So, in response, I wrote the sketch of Peter : a hard film that comes from a tough situation, from people I know, fragile, invisible, that this society does not want to see. But that can become time bombs ready to explode. "
evenings, all at the Cinema Verdi Via M. Well 2 in Candelo (BI), will begin at 21.30, with input set at 5 €.
Each film will be accompanied in his room directors, producers and actors.
After the screening there will be an opportunity to speak directly with the cinema who does it and it produces very spesso di tasca e di braccia proprie.
Un cinema sicuramente d'impronta autorale ma godibile e lontanissimo dal far trasparire la limitatezza dei propri mezzi.
Un cinema che vuole parlare ad il suo pubblico. Ad ogni costo.

(Cliccare QUI per scaricare la versione stampabile del comunicato)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Motorbike License In Philipines

OXIDE He peered

Non c'è molto del mio spazio
che sappia d'altro
se non d'un oscuro incedere.

Poco del mio tempo odora di qualcosa
che non sia polvere,
che si colori di qualcosa
che non sia notte.

Poco altro segna la storia,
riveste la pelle del mio sacco
che non sia freddo, gelido, insensato,


My hands caress abandoned
absences that this model nothing

these forms and I I play, I play,
impregnates me,

smiling .

are many, those
me that there were no
tonight tonight tonight

I do not know which side to wear,

Non c'è molto sulla mia strada
che non odori della
l'immancabile veste
d'antica ruggine,
un paio d'occhiali, 
un filtro,
per un ossidato scrutare.

What Can I Give My Yorkie For Pain?
