Friday, September 14, 2007

Australianas Fotos Desudas

flaws Bossi - Fini

Pochi giorni fa venivo criticato da alcuni lettori della bacheca del cittadino del comune di Condofuri poiché, a dir loro, ignoravo il contenuto del testo della legge c.d. Bossi-Fini, meglio chiamata DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 25 luglio 1998, n. 286, definito ancora testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti la disciplina dell’immigrazione and the definition of alien.
Specifically I was accused by Mr. through (nick name used on the board) as follows: Dear
tempistello before talking a bit more you will understand many things on cp,
I'll try to explain briefly how it works so you can complain to the proper authorities if you see the Indian in the streets of Condofuri .
1) If you find a foreigner in our country without a residence permit and documents to be accompanied at the photo-uff q.ra in the scientific
2) Once you establish your nationality order applies Questore within 5 days for the abandonment of our national territory,
3) unless it complies with the order vi è l'arresto e successiva condanna da scontare presso il "carcere",
4)dopo aver scontato la pena viene messo nel centro d'accoglienza temporanea o direttamente volo permettendo rimpatriato nel suo paese. Un'altra opsione potrebbe essere che l'indiano abbia un proc penale in corso quindi dovrà rimanere in Italia in attesa del processo.
Risponderò per punti a quanto contestatomi:

a) Il mio nick name non è teMpi stello ma tePPistello, nulla di importante ma una dovuta precisazione visto che tanti confondono o fanno finta di confondere il mio nickname.
b) Prima di spiegare un argomento ad una seconda persona è meglio che quest’ultimo sia stato ben assimilato dal relatore per evitare sane e robuste figures of fecal matter.
1) whether a person is found without documents or who has produced documents that only pure suspect can be held false proceed to the accompaniment of the secure identification, it is Italian or foreign (ex art. Art.11 L.191 / 78). (It should be noted that the alien in Italy has 8 days to report the presence on the territory of the state at District of the province where it intends to reside, the reasons for staying in Italy and where to show that they have sufficient means of subsistence for the living room or ask residence permit and / or visa after submitting photos cd signaling required by law 40/98) This contrasts with the position of illegal aliens which, together with the offices of a police declare, without the need to document personal information, country of origin domiciled in Italy and the border input data required, together with the findings dattiliscopici photo-identification of a foreigner in any event will be sanctioned under 40/98 if an illegal immigrant without a residence permit or refusal of a residence permit or simply because they have to have with him a residence permit.
2) Once the identity is established and not the nationality of the illegal alien, is placed immediately at the border or the accompaniment to the country of origin, for completeness is the art. 12 of law 40/98 which explains the procedures for expulsion: Art
12Esecuzione expulsion
1. When not 'can do with immediacy through the expulsion and removal, or refoulement,' cause should proceed to the relief of the stranger, for further investigations as to its identity 'or nationality', ie the acquisition of documents for travel, or for the unavailability 'of the carrier or other means of transport appropriate, the commissioner has the alien to be detained for longer than necessary at the detention center and support more' close, including those identified or created by a decree of Interior Minister of concerto con i ministri per la Solidarieta' sociale e del Tesoro.
2. Lo straniero e' trattenuto nel centro con modalita' tali da assicurare la necessaria assistenza e il pieno rispetto della sua dignita'. Oltre a quanto previsto dall'articolo 2, comma 5, e' assicurata in ogni caso la liberta' di corrispondenza anche telefonica con l'esterno.
3. Il questore del luogo in cui si trova il centro trasmette copia degli atti al pretore, senza ritardo e comunque entro le quarantotto ore dall'adozione del provvedimento.
4. Il pretore, ove ritenga sussistenti i presupposti di cui all'articolo 11 e al presente articolo, convalida il provvedimento del questore nei modi di cui agli articoli 737 e seguenti del Codice di procedura civile, sentito l'interessato. The order ceases to have any effect unless it is validated within forty-eight hours later. Within that period, the validation can 'be placed in the examination of the appeal against the deportation order.
validation involves staying in the center for a total period of twenty days. At the request of the superintendent, the judge can 'extend the deadline up to a maximum of ten additional days if the removal of the impediment is imminent expulsion or refoulement. Even before the deadline, the Chief performs the expulsion or refoulement and not just 'possible, notifying the magistrate without delay.
6. Against the orders of validation and extension referred to in paragraph 5 and 'feasible action Court of Cassation. Its appeal does not suspend the execution of the measure.
7. The Commissioner, taking advantage of the public force shall take effective measures to ensure that 'the foreigner does not diverge unduly from the center and shall promptly restore the measure if this is breached.
8. For the purpose of accompanying collective also at the border, can be contracted to individuals engaged in liner or even international organizations that perform activities' of foreign assistance.
9. In addition to the provisions of the Implementing Regulation and the rules on jurisdiction, the Minister of the Interior shall take the measures necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this Article, also through agreements with other government departments, with local authorities, with the owners or licensees of areas, structures and other facilities, as well as' for the provision of goods and services. Any exceptions to the existing provisions on financial and accounting 'be adopted in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury. The Interior Ministry also promotes the necessary arrangements for areas of competence of other ministries.

If you can not provide for the detention or in detention centers if they are time limits for detention (60 days) and has not been carried out the expulsion, the commissioner issues a decision with which he profoundly alien to leave the Italian territory within 5 days the caveat that if they do not meet their obligation will be stopped. The sentencing range provided is from six months to a year.

Article. 14, paragraph 5 bis of the Consolidated states that "if it was not possible to hold the alien in a detention facility, or have passed the time spent without having executed the expulsion or refoulement, the Chief of a foreign national to leave the State within a period of five days. The order given by order in writing, an indication of the criminal consequences of his transgression.

Ordunque I think I have explained almost all the points you do for a fact that even the judge in that audience issued the permit expulsion everything according to law, unfortunately do not have the pennies for putting these people at home, so dear to me through are not pedantic about having to read and study Italian but you are only left on the theory of your studies in law (lawyer or even worse, belonging to the police that you are) and not me, and I do not pretend to know the interest because I do not find loopholes let alone apply it promotes a business or are providing non- extra!


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