Tombini bombs, potholes in the tarmac and the people who made her comfortable digs, and closes as it sees on the streets of Condofuri's all.
This is not now a good place to talk about responsibility of the general laxity around us or the old story of friends and cronies .... How serious is the
arrogance before the safety and security of the people!
Let me explain: Since a long time indicates the common presence of a drop on the sidewalk side of the street Peripoli sea, through the streets of Amendolea Puzzaraci and Coletta, precisely in front of the haberdashery of Mrs. Zito.
gradient was born as a result of housing built under the street level in ancient times by now.
certainly less remote are the days when the sidewalks were made on the main street of the village Marina, as usual this morning a woman had decided to park their cars on sidewalks, to tell her not to bother with the movement, falling But the trap.
certainly less remote are the days when the sidewalks were made on the main street of the village Marina, as usual this morning a woman had decided to park their cars on sidewalks, to tell her not to bother with the movement, falling But the trap.
Pur non condividento il tipo di parcheggio che la signora stava apprestandosi ad eseguire, vero è pure che tale dislivello non è assolutamente visibile o segnalato e lo stesso potrebbe essere causa di lesioni anche gravi magari se un motociclista, sicuro di avere a fianco il marciapiedi, appoggiasse il piede o un pedone distratto si apprestasse ad attraversare la strada.
Servirebbe poco a segnalare il disagio e successivamente risolvere il problema, capisco pure che i problemi sono tanti ed i soldini sono pochi ma questo segnalato mi pare di importanza prioritaria per la tutela dell'incolumità pubblica... poi... ognuno ha il suo metro di valutazione
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