Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dirt Track Cake Designs

The appearance of the Roman soldiers at the time of Septimius Severus

Dopo una lenta e progressiva evoluzione nell'aspetto del militare romano nel secolo precedente, al tempo dell'imperatore Settimio Severo e cioè a cavallo tra la fine del II° sec. ed i primi del III° sec. A.D. il cambiamento si fa più evidente.
La produzione degli elmi di tipo Italico Imperiale è sempre più rara e composta da esemplari raffinati e finemente decorati mentre si diffonde sempre più il modello con rinforzi incrociati alla sommità ed ampie paragnatidi  che lasciano visibili solo gli eyes, nose and mouth, previously adopted by the cavalry.
latter adopts similar helmets, with tiles and a very deep level of finishing and decoration above. At the top of which often bear a boss can be inserted into a plume of horsehair.
The production of segmented armor appears to decrease significantly (over Septimius Severus their presence is a minority compared to other types) while spreading the use of a scaled model also sewn vertically to the top with the bottom, so impenetrable as to make the structure. This design feature makes them less flexible because their size does not exceed that of segmentation. Before, at of the head, have an open space for easy donning, protected by a double metal plate, often finely decorated.
The use of the oval shield from Legionnaires' is spreading at the expense of the traditional rectangular shield tile, relegated, probably to the first lines of the sides that create a real "wall" of defense, as opposed to the file later formed the new specialization of legionnaires: the "Lanciarii, ie javelin thrower who can make a real rain of bullets against the enemy camp and they rise to a big relief for their tactical flexibility in various actions, including against the famous cavallerie orientali.
I simboli presenti negli scudi seguono la tradizione ma si diffondono disegni semplici di croci inghirlandate, non solo per le truppe auxiliarie, ma per le stesse legioni.
Le tuniche a manica lunga, di derivazione Celtica e Germanica, si avviano a soppiantare quelle a manica corta, i colori sembrano essere il bianco-sporco della lana o lino naturali ( non tinti ) ed il rosso ( tinto con l'economica cocciniglia piuttosto che con la costosa porpora ) da sempre inteso come il colore del guerriero.
Gli scarponcini subentrano definitivamente, nell'uso comune, alle vecchie "Calighe".
La cintura, simbolo del militare anche in tenuta priva di corazza ed elmo, si avvia a diventare sostanzialmente diversa : le strips hanging metal plates and disappear earlier that characterized it no longer apply. Letters contained phrases appear good luck but the trend is towards a model of leather with a big round buckle and the terminal is divided into two parts at the ends decorated with metallic applications. The length of the belt allows it to be wrapped around itself several times and have the two side pendants.
The sword is now brought to the left (with the oval shield) suspended by a broad cross-chest on which they are often applied metallic decorations and a tilt of the terminal metal history. This too will become diagonal symbol of "status" military.


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