Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sumeet Mixer Availability In 2009


We are the usual!

rains a few drops of water and suffered the hardships ... what I mean? the new underpass, always as usual, still flooded! we always forget about him, the photo refers to the afternoon of Sept. 27, after overnight rain, I hope the problem will be resolved soon, possibly not waiting for the water to evaporate naturally ... there was a system of lifting water?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Range Downdraft Ventilation

sono mancata dalle scene da un po' troppo tempo. è vero. ma ho avuto il mio daffare. vi accenno però che ci sono in ballo dei progetti zoccolanti, più in là ne verrete sicuramente informati; sempre che prendano il via.

ora, per farmi perdonare l'assenza, ho caricato l'unico mio lavoro che ancora non era presente sul web: il video integrale di "Alla fine è solo una torta al cioccolato con farcitura. lo potete trovare inserito nella sua pagina: qui .

buona visione.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sample Papers Of R.i.m.s 2010


is not very satisfactory as a result but at least we've partially solved the inconvenience ....
fact, on the afternoon of Sept. 25, the powerful resources of the provincial administration of Reggio Calabria, have moved to lay on the roadway of the SP-100 Condofuri Condofuri Superior Marina, a handful of bituminous material suitable for plugging, more than holes, the mouths of condofuresi.
That work, estimated as the others made lately, you see only the material placed over the hole created by the trucks, not even smooth out the road surface, Dalo thesis was borne out of places, you can see it at the side of the road again the remnants of old asphalt, broken by bison and raised edges.
this occasion has also proceeded to plug a few more holes in it here and there, especially the pit in front of the police station of San Carlo, the same modus operandi!, Same crap, I wonder if the company charged with at least Money worn and torn, I doubt it!
each draw the own conclusions ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can A 6 Month Old Eat Mum Mums


that we were more accustomed to the arrogance of the province of Reggio Calabria, but enough is enough!

This morning a car crashed into it thanks to the damage created by bison on these pages, I inserted the pictures of the carnage in the hope that someone is dealing with it ...

was so ... Councillor Massimo Nucera to the sounds of work on the blog now and Calabria and, specifically, the Mayor and Councillor Philip Lavalle Litigation - Public Education - Politiche Giovanili - Viabilità Roberto PIZZI, che hanno preso a cuore il problema ed hanno interpellato sia le ditte interessate, che hanno dimostrato la disponibilità ad un percorso alternativo, paventando comunque la NON facile realizzazione dello stesso in quanto di qui a poco si avrebbe la piena del torrente amendolea, riportando i mezzi pesanti sulla vecchia e stanca provinciale e l'amministrazione provinciale di Reggio Calabria.

Un sopralluogo è stato fatto dal geometra della provincia, competente per territorio, purtroppo a nulla è servito il suo intervento poichè, all'indomani della sua visita un autovettura è andata a sbattere per colpa della buca provocata dai bestioni, forse ancora troppo piccola per essere vista dal geometra che nulla ha fatto! nemmeno apporre qualche segnale al fine di evitare incidenti.

Il geometra comunque oggi ha riferito che tale buca, come quella presente proprio sull'uscio della stazione Carabinieri di San Carlo pericolosa quasi quanto quella fotografata a passomasseria (ma che purtroppo non ho potuto fotografare per un cartello che vieta l'effettuazione di foto-cineriprese) , saranno presto riparate, garantendo sicurezza (?) alla popolazione condofurese.

Speriamo non sia un intervento come quello effettuato tempo addietro sul rettilineo dell'Amendolea, tre giorni dopo la buca si era già formata again and the only gain is actually Mr. Gallo homonymous firm that conducted the sale and installation ...

Finally, dear Max and dear Fortunato, as they say in our part ... driver's license who has given you Tripodi? I represent that the emergency lane (on the quay in the case of Article Calabria Now for the cleaning of the SS 106) is dedicated to the transit of trucks ... once perhaps the right lane on highways with more than two lanes, but simply to stop the emergency ... perhaps for the assets in question should implement a weight control and compliance with the regulations on the transport of goods more than hope who travel on the emergency lane ... I understood the meaning of the speech, simply have to made me smile the statement

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Canon Gl 1 Digital Camcorder

Condofuri: che puzza che fa!

remember that once someone who claimed to see the world jokingly said "See Naples and die ... of smell" (not me I want any visitors Neapolitan, I disagree with the court) today, after more than two decades since then, I feel a strong need to adapt the phrase of the country Condofuri.La summer season is now running out, a few more days and will early autumn, but in terms of weather and climate seems to have yet to July, with temperatures on some days more akin to 35 degrees, however, often happens, through the main streets and alleys of the village, being devoid of suitable equipment, needing to bring the thumb to the index on the nostrils to avoid breathing the unhealthy air thick and stifling and smelly that rises from various manholes, citing a case where some points Peripoli Street and surrounding streets, everyone will have seen the problem near the Nursery School, adjacent to Post Office, near the Elementary School near the intersection with via Telesio, and especially near the main street Puzzaraci. Possible that in the third millennium, in a civilized country, we find ourselves almost compelled to wander in a reality-style colonial Calcutta?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Poptropica Screen Fix

NON It 'nice to have the buffalo

Il postino suona sempre due volte, e non è piacevole sentirlo alle 8 di mattina! Gli ambulanti ti arrivano sotto casa urlando e pubblicizzando la loro mercanzia... i rappresentanti della Folletto che ti suonano alla porta! serve una carico di pazienza non indifferente per sopportare tutto ciò non è vero?

Come se non bastasse da qualche tempo a questa parte per gli abitanti delle frazioni Passomesseria, San Carlo, Gurni, Santa Lucia, Rossetta e scusatemi le altre che ho eventualmente dimenticato... si è aggiunto il rumore devi bisonti!

Bisonti non intesi come mammiferi di grosse dimensioni ma come bisonti della strada, come risaputo, il torrente "Alece", oggi Amendolea, è stato ormai invaso da grossi mezzi meccanici, intenti ad estrarre il materiale sabbioso che giace sul letto dello stesso.

Forse per invidia storica... infatti si racconta che fino al '700 circa il torrente fosse navigabile e quindi si vuole tornare alle origini? o forse per ingordigia, poichè la nostra preziosa sabbia, estratta quasi a costo zero, è venduta ad innumerevoli ditte che ormai fanno la spola quotidianamente da tutte le parti al fine di portare via, con i suddetti bisonti, tonnellate del materiale sedimetario dell'Alece.

Infatti, voci di popolo (e non solo), narrano che l'autostrada Salerno Reggio Calabria, da rosarno in giù, nascerà con sand extracted dall'Amendolea, is the same as giving birth to the new Palace of Justice in Reggio Calabria, as is used for paving miles of roads and highways, to the borders of Puglia, Basilicata and Campania as well as the thriving local construction ( mostly illegal) that takes advantage of the valuable material.

Nothing to say ... is business, but the inhabitants of these villages who find themselves having to endure the harassment of unruly truckers who pays them? children jumping from the cradle to the passage deibisonti of the road? parents who can not afford the luxury of leaving the children outside the home for the continuous emission of exhaust from vehicles loaded up to capacity! also commuters will suffer, having to give way to these bullies just because they are bigger!

Obviously we should not crucify a category, also made of serious professionals, but unfortunately, due to the poor controls, due to the lack of mentality to build rather than destroy it public, we are left with dilapidated roads, the considerable increase of traffic and no smog nothing in return ... why not create a path along the river bed? among other things done at the village Rossetta which ends its place in the silos there, perhaps to avoid any more frequent controls on highway 106, there has worked well, extending a transition to the sound of bulldozers and why not do so in order to safeguard the health and public peace?

Sure you should invest some penny ... but for the sake of so many people that is on the edge of exasperation.

PS: The damage caused to the roadway who pays them?
pants? as usual!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Imax Tickets Online Ottawa

IN HOUSE WE HAVE TAKEN AROUND! The dangers of the street

spent in July were allocated by the province of Reggio Calabria large sums of money for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of competence of the arteries that, in the early days of this month, the most total anonymity, a company remain anonymous has provided to make summaries of cleaning along the SP 100.

just Briefs because they are limited to move quickly along the 15 km with a weed trimmer and cut roughly to the sides of the road!
Roughly, that's right! not a ground wire, but as he was more comfortable, but unfortunately it's absurd reality, even in some places also have avoided passing and above all NEVER have reaped the fruits of their work (cut weeds, refusals etc ...) no cleaning the gutters was done! We are now left with the first rains of autumn, have to zigzag to avoid the debris, having no other place to go, releasing into the roadway.

Probably, given the irrisorietà of their work, none of the roads sector the province has bothered to check the work performed, otherwise would have noticed the huge hole created Passomasseria before entering the village, where the continuous passage of heavy vehicles has created the inconvenience! as mentioned earlier also the recent work of consolidation of the hole created on the straight of the river Amendolea were carried out in a big way, so much so that the hole is already reappeared again on the new asphalt.

I hope these reports will soon come to the relevant bodies (county, municipality, police, prosecutor's office) and that someone will be able to shed light on what happened and take appropriate actions. Other

speech yet is that many of the transit of heavy goods vehicles are removed from the bed of the stream Amendolea million cubic meters of material, Sarano authorized? and if you have not created an alternative route along the river without destroying the road? if this is not possible because you do not take them to repair the damage done to the community?

me the way among the lost.
Justice urged on my high:
maker was divine powers, the supreme wisdom
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. "

(Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto III, vv. 1-9)

in Dante's inferno as soon update the welcome signs in Condofuri

How Do I Find The Chisel In Poptropica


Tombini bombs, potholes in the tarmac and the people who made her comfortable digs, and closes as it sees on the streets of Condofuri's all.
This is not now a good place to talk about responsibility of the general laxity around us or the old story of friends and cronies .... How serious is the

arrogance before the safety and security of the people!

Let me explain: Since a long time indicates the common presence of a drop on the sidewalk side of the street Peripoli sea, through the streets of Amendolea Puzzaraci and Coletta, precisely in front of the haberdashery of Mrs. Zito.
gradient was born as a result of housing built under the street level in ancient times by now.
certainly less remote are the days when the sidewalks were made on the main street of the village Marina, as usual this morning a woman had decided to park their cars on sidewalks, to tell her not to bother with the movement, falling But the trap.

Pur non condividento il tipo di parcheggio che la signora stava apprestandosi ad eseguire, vero è pure che tale dislivello non è assolutamente visibile o segnalato e lo stesso potrebbe essere causa di lesioni anche gravi magari se un motociclista, sicuro di avere a fianco il marciapiedi, appoggiasse il piede o un pedone distratto si apprestasse ad attraversare la strada.
Servirebbe poco a segnalare il disagio e successivamente risolvere il problema, capisco pure che i problemi sono tanti ed i soldini sono pochi ma questo segnalato mi pare di importanza prioritaria per la tutela dell'incolumità pubblica... poi... ognuno ha il suo metro di valutazione

Scwinn Spin Wheel Is Loud


Bella sorpresa stamattina per quanti come me hanno pensato di fare una bella corsetta sul lungomare...

Infatti, a contornare il solito panorama, vi era una enorme pozzanghera d'acqua nei pressi del lido Jammin del consigliere comunale Massimo Nucera.

The accumulation of water was caused by a loss of an unspecified specigficata water pipeline that passes under the pavement side of the mountain.

Fortunately, the conduct had already been disabled to prevent further leakage and the precious liquid but regret to say that the primary place there era alcun operaio vista la giornata prefestiva, un altro appunto o complimenti che siano, va fatto alla ditta esecutrice dei lavori che, con sapiente maestria, ha calcolato e realizzato le pendenze del nostro "splendido" lungomare causando l'accumulo della sostanziosa quantità di acqua, d'altronde, bastava fare una passeggiata dopo 10 minuti di pioggia ed il risultato era uguale.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Australianas Fotos Desudas

flaws Bossi - Fini

Pochi giorni fa venivo criticato da alcuni lettori della bacheca del cittadino del comune di Condofuri poiché, a dir loro, ignoravo il contenuto del testo della legge c.d. Bossi-Fini, meglio chiamata DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 25 luglio 1998, n. 286, definito ancora testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti la disciplina dell’immigrazione and the definition of alien.
Specifically I was accused by Mr. through (nick name used on the board) as follows: Dear
tempistello before talking a bit more you will understand many things on cp,
I'll try to explain briefly how it works so you can complain to the proper authorities if you see the Indian in the streets of Condofuri .
1) If you find a foreigner in our country without a residence permit and documents to be accompanied at the photo-uff q.ra in the scientific
2) Once you establish your nationality order applies Questore within 5 days for the abandonment of our national territory,
3) unless it complies with the order vi è l'arresto e successiva condanna da scontare presso il "carcere",
4)dopo aver scontato la pena viene messo nel centro d'accoglienza temporanea o direttamente volo permettendo rimpatriato nel suo paese. Un'altra opsione potrebbe essere che l'indiano abbia un proc penale in corso quindi dovrà rimanere in Italia in attesa del processo.
Risponderò per punti a quanto contestatomi:

a) Il mio nick name non è teMpi stello ma tePPistello, nulla di importante ma una dovuta precisazione visto che tanti confondono o fanno finta di confondere il mio nickname.
b) Prima di spiegare un argomento ad una seconda persona è meglio che quest’ultimo sia stato ben assimilato dal relatore per evitare sane e robuste figures of fecal matter.
1) whether a person is found without documents or who has produced documents that only pure suspect can be held false proceed to the accompaniment of the secure identification, it is Italian or foreign (ex art. Art.11 L.191 / 78). (It should be noted that the alien in Italy has 8 days to report the presence on the territory of the state at District of the province where it intends to reside, the reasons for staying in Italy and where to show that they have sufficient means of subsistence for the living room or ask residence permit and / or visa after submitting photos cd signaling required by law 40/98) This contrasts with the position of illegal aliens which, together with the offices of a police declare, without the need to document personal information, country of origin domiciled in Italy and the border input data required, together with the findings dattiliscopici photo-identification of a foreigner in any event will be sanctioned under 40/98 if an illegal immigrant without a residence permit or refusal of a residence permit or simply because they have to have with him a residence permit.
2) Once the identity is established and not the nationality of the illegal alien, is placed immediately at the border or the accompaniment to the country of origin, for completeness is the art. 12 of law 40/98 which explains the procedures for expulsion: Art
12Esecuzione expulsion
1. When not 'can do with immediacy through the expulsion and removal, or refoulement,' cause should proceed to the relief of the stranger, for further investigations as to its identity 'or nationality', ie the acquisition of documents for travel, or for the unavailability 'of the carrier or other means of transport appropriate, the commissioner has the alien to be detained for longer than necessary at the detention center and support more' close, including those identified or created by a decree of Interior Minister of concerto con i ministri per la Solidarieta' sociale e del Tesoro.
2. Lo straniero e' trattenuto nel centro con modalita' tali da assicurare la necessaria assistenza e il pieno rispetto della sua dignita'. Oltre a quanto previsto dall'articolo 2, comma 5, e' assicurata in ogni caso la liberta' di corrispondenza anche telefonica con l'esterno.
3. Il questore del luogo in cui si trova il centro trasmette copia degli atti al pretore, senza ritardo e comunque entro le quarantotto ore dall'adozione del provvedimento.
4. Il pretore, ove ritenga sussistenti i presupposti di cui all'articolo 11 e al presente articolo, convalida il provvedimento del questore nei modi di cui agli articoli 737 e seguenti del Codice di procedura civile, sentito l'interessato. The order ceases to have any effect unless it is validated within forty-eight hours later. Within that period, the validation can 'be placed in the examination of the appeal against the deportation order.
validation involves staying in the center for a total period of twenty days. At the request of the superintendent, the judge can 'extend the deadline up to a maximum of ten additional days if the removal of the impediment is imminent expulsion or refoulement. Even before the deadline, the Chief performs the expulsion or refoulement and not just 'possible, notifying the magistrate without delay.
6. Against the orders of validation and extension referred to in paragraph 5 and 'feasible action Court of Cassation. Its appeal does not suspend the execution of the measure.
7. The Commissioner, taking advantage of the public force shall take effective measures to ensure that 'the foreigner does not diverge unduly from the center and shall promptly restore the measure if this is breached.
8. For the purpose of accompanying collective also at the border, can be contracted to individuals engaged in liner or even international organizations that perform activities' of foreign assistance.
9. In addition to the provisions of the Implementing Regulation and the rules on jurisdiction, the Minister of the Interior shall take the measures necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this Article, also through agreements with other government departments, with local authorities, with the owners or licensees of areas, structures and other facilities, as well as' for the provision of goods and services. Any exceptions to the existing provisions on financial and accounting 'be adopted in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury. The Interior Ministry also promotes the necessary arrangements for areas of competence of other ministries.

If you can not provide for the detention or in detention centers if they are time limits for detention (60 days) and has not been carried out the expulsion, the commissioner issues a decision with which he profoundly alien to leave the Italian territory within 5 days the caveat that if they do not meet their obligation will be stopped. The sentencing range provided is from six months to a year.

Article. 14, paragraph 5 bis of the Consolidated states that "if it was not possible to hold the alien in a detention facility, or have passed the time spent without having executed the expulsion or refoulement, the Chief of a foreign national to leave the State within a period of five days. The order given by order in writing, an indication of the criminal consequences of his transgression.

Ordunque I think I have explained almost all the points you do for a fact that even the judge in that audience issued the permit expulsion everything according to law, unfortunately do not have the pennies for putting these people at home, so dear to me through are not pedantic about having to read and study Italian but you are only left on the theory of your studies in law (lawyer or even worse, belonging to the police that you are) and not me, and I do not pretend to know the interest because I do not find loopholes let alone apply it promotes a business or are providing non- extra!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Woman In Public Shower Room


Four vehicles involved in a road accident at km 38.800 of SS 106, at the workshop "Morabito, a Toyota Yaris which is about to turn into the street of the town of Filippo Turati Condofuri and another, a Fiat Panda, the buffers violently thrown against a third car, a Volkswagen Golf parked in front of the garage.

the organizers, the kinetic energy forfeited going to turn with the rear of 90 degrees and bumping into a parked tow truck, causing in turn advance of about 50 cm.

7 people undergoing treatment by the hospital in Melito di Porto Salvo, but the budget, in view of the dynamics, could be much more sad, completely destroyed two cars, the Yaris and the Panda, and so afraid for convolti, all boys between 20 and 25, all friends with each other , twist of fate sometimes ...

The media have taken place and the staff of 118 of Melito di Porto Salvo, a steering wheel of the Commissioner of Police Condofuri Marina, a Gazelle Core Mobile Radio Society of Melito di Porto Salvo, and a team of maintainers of ANAS , significant disruption to road traffic due to the alternating one-way function by agents that lasted for about an hour for technical surveys of the case.

Yet another incident that is to denounce the lack of control by Anas on yet another cross that should not exist, such as infinite along the 500 km of highway 106, no less important and often challenged on this space is the built-up area rose to 'height of 40 km, again in the town of Condofuri, if paradoxically, we are located, in the immediacy of the State Institute classrooms hotel.