Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Tell If Real Miki Moto Pearls


Felix Krull (1954)

The novel Thomas Mann is entitled: "Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull", which although not a native speaker German, I feel I can translate - without venturing too - with stuff like "Confessions of FK crook." Now ... I do not know the history, development of the story, nor the existential journey of Italian translators, who have excuses but hidden by a solid foundation, but ... "Confessions of FK knight of industry", chemminchia I mean? Whether the original title also gives me an idea of \u200b\u200bthe story I'm about to find in the book: FK is a fraud, to begin with. It is not a knight of industry. Unless you intend to scam the industry. However I do not understand this thing. Sometimes I think you make concessions at the time to translate Italian in a title, for commercial reasons. To make a book more attractive, sexy with a nice title. What the hell can I interest myself, I do not know anything about the book, to get close to it thanks to the confessions of a knight of industry? Much more naively would find more enticing to read the confessions of a fraudster. Or is a surge of honesty of the translators. They have sought the ugliest title that came to mind immediately understood why the player to stay away from this book. There.
2 - an affinity '(not elected) WITH SOME CHARACTER OF GOETHE.
The feeling, per il lettore, è che ci sia un'affinità tra questo F.K. ed un certo Werther d'un tale Goethe. Mi spiego. Werther è introverso, depresso, romantico. E'un figlio dell'ottocento. Cerca in sé la bellezza che lo possa condurre alla salvezza, ad una verità. F.K. è invece, chiaramente, estroverso, passionale, istrionico. Cerca la bellezza intorno a sé, nelle cose e nelle persone - soprattutto nelle persone - che lo circondano. F.K. è l'uomo, per bel che sia nel suo reame , e Werther dentro non è che lezzo e budellame . Werther non ha nessun successo con le donne, anzi, costoro lo scacazzano al meglio con infastidita indifferenza. F.K. se punta una donna, at least give him that, his mother and sister as well. There. Where is the affinity that the reader feels in reading these two novels? That for both players, want the same thing for Werther, who is introverted, said, calling the suicide, FK, outgoing, does nothing more than to wish that someone killing him. Death sentence, in short, for both (and also for plagiarism Jacopo Ortis). If someone did that out before page 300, among other things, would make the story complete. Finally, do not want to say that Goethe was able to satisfy the reader and not Mann, gives them the doubt that has not had the time. FK that should have been 1300 pages long of which the last 300, Blues Brothers style, with all cheated in the world who follow the star up and down to Patagonia to kill him. And the last page can not. Much to everyone's satisfaction.

With "training" is commonly understood generally that kind of novel where the protagonist, during the narration, shows a spiritual growth, physical , intellectual. Increases his wisdom and his ability to stay in the world. As Dedalus in Joyce, for example. Stephen Dedalus is a teenager, grows, goes to school, broom, has a mystical crisis, then thinks better of it, he discovers che è tagliato per l'arte, lascia l'Irlanda. F.K. è tagliato per l'arte della truffa, direte voi. Nella sua crescita si rende conto, come direbbe qualcuno, che il mondo vuole essere preso in giro e lui si accorge di non saper fare altro. Ma piuttosto, per tutto il libro, non è altro che circonvenzione d'incapaci, quasi tutti i personaggi che lo circondano, colti, pieni di spirito, acuti, solenni, o quel che si vuole, si rivelano poi di fronte a lui, degli ebeti totali. Non ce n'è uno che non si faccia infinocchiare da questa faccia da culo, che senza troppe sofisticazioni, se li rigira tutti. F.K. non ha nessuna crescita, durante il romanzo. Impara soltanto come un pappagallo a ripetere in continuazione quelle quattro cose che she licked around and no one can contradict him. Well. Novel strain of Thomas Mann and his readers. FK as Thomas Mann and his readers as incapable.


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